When it comes to dental care, every child has different needs. Some will feel more anxious or afraid of visiting the dentist than others. Here, our Smile Town Burnaby dentists suggest some techniques for you to relieve your child's dental fear and anxiety leading up to and during dental appointments.
For many children, the idea of going to the dentist can be frightening.
Laying on a chair while a new person pokes your mouth with metal tools can even make adults anxious!
Here are some ways you and your Smiletown Burnaby dentist team can combat your child's dental fear and anxiety and encourage a positive outlook towards regular dental appointments.
Our Dental Office is Designed With Kids in Mind
At Smiletown Burnaby, our office space and dental service is made for kids. From the moment a child walks in the door, we work hard to make them comfortable.
You and your child can wait for appointments in our exciting and kid-friendly reception area or in the Theatre Room.
Our dental professionals also have extensive experience working with kids. They are cheerful, caring, and they know how to make children comfortable.
Start Early
Dentists recommend you bring their child in for their first appointment either 6 months after their first tooth emerges, or at 1 year.
An early introduction to the dentist and regular check-ups can be key to helping your child become comfortable with dental appointments throughout their life.
Be Careful With Your Words
Try to avoid negative words and phrases if your kid is already anxious about going to the dentist office. Even if you soften your descriptions with phrases like "not too bad" or "only a little," words like "shot," "pinch," "needle," or "pain" will be what your child remembers.
If dental appointments are a cause of anxiety for you, try to avoid showing your child how you are feeling. They look to you for guidance when responding to new experiences. If you are visibly worried, they will be too.
Prepare Your Child in Simple, Positive Ways
When speaking about the dentist with your child, stay positive and be realistic. Keep your descriptions of a dental appointment short, simple and to-the-point. Make sure you don't go into too much detail.
It might be helpful to introduce your child to some of the many books about dentist appointments.
If they have more questions, focus on positive explanations like "the dentist is going to make your teeth healthy and strong."
Be Ready For Fuss and Tantrums
Even if you've done everything right, there is a chance your kid will still feel anxious and will express those feelings in disruptive ways at their appointment.
Don't worry though, our dentists know what to do in when it comes to treating a patient who is having a tantrum.