If you're aiming for a more eco friendly lifestyle, you may be wondering if it's a good idea to to make homemade toothpaste for your child. Our Burnaby children's dentist shares a little about what you need to know before you get started.
Most varities of kids’ toothpastes are for ages two years and up, so until your child is two toothpaste isn't something you need to worry about.
Once your child is two or older, you'll likely feel compelled to use more than water. At that point, you may begin wondering about homemade options vs store-bought toothpaste options.
What's in store-bought toothpaste?
Regular toothpastes available at your local store or pharmacy help to clean the teeth and gums.
The actual ingredients in toothpastes vary, but most include fluoride, which is a natural mineral that can help to strengthen tooth enamel.
Often these toothpastes will include gentle abrasives as well, to help remove stains and food debris from teeth without scratching them.
What's in homemade toothpaste?
When it comes to homemade toothpastes the ingredients in the recipes differ greatly from those in store-bought varieties. Many recipes include ingredients such as baking soda, lemon juice, charcoal, and coconut oil.
While it's true that these ingredients are natural, it doesn't mean that they are safe for children's teeth. Ingredients like lemon juice are acidic and baking soda is mildly abrasive, both of which can be harmful to your child's tooth enamel.
The other important thing to note is that homemade toothpastes are missing a key cavity-fighting ingredient: fluoride. By making your own toothpaste at home, you and your kids will miss out on the important benefits that fluoride provides for your dental health.
Is homemade toothpaste good or bad?
Fluoride is important for your child's developing smile. To give your child's dental health the best possible start, be sure to buy toothpaste with fluoride.