We really hope you and your children had a great night trick-or-treating. We love Halloween so much here at SmileTown Dentistry Burnaby. Seeing what costumes children are wearing and their faces light up when they receive candy are a couple reasons why. Speaking of candy, if your children may have had too much, you can always book an appointment with us to ensure no cavities are popping up.
Another big reason we love Halloween is the pumpkin carvings!
Pumpkins are a fantastic canvas for everyone to showcase their creativity. We thought it would be fun to comprise a blog post highlighting the best carvings in Vancouver. We have been scouring Instagram and Twitter in search of the best pumpkin carvings over the last couple of days and found some amazing works of art.
Thanks to everyone who allowed us to use their photo and pumpkin carving. Enjoy!
Pirate House
Thanks @NEWS1130 for featuring our #piratehouse pumpkins! https://t.co/uFcMasbyW1 pic.twitter.com/bvqUfvlyUm
— Pirate House (@piratehouse_ca) October 27, 2015
@VancityBuzz #vcbpumpkin pic.twitter.com/4egbDT31lv
— Tracey MacDonald (@tjmacd21) October 28, 2015
“@thepelicanpub: Our company pumpkin carving contest was pretty groovy. Have a Safe and Happy Halloween! pic.twitter.com/7iXBcUdbv7” HANK ROFFEL
— Wil McQueen (@WilMcQueen) November 1, 2014
Come vote for the pumpkin carving contest in the main hall. It's Halloweek at Spooky Rock! @VSB39 #em2fgss pic.twitter.com/Wagq892N5P
— Gladstone Secondary (@GladstoneSec) October 28, 2015
Pumpkin carving at Adobe Vancouver! pic.twitter.com/X5wOpv47
— Allan Harding (@alharding) October 26, 2012
Sheraton Guilford
Which #pumpkin is your favorite? #HappyHalloween pic.twitter.com/uVaW2C4oMy
— SheratonGuildford (@sheratongldfrd) October 30, 2015
My friend made a pumpkin carving of Luna P!! #SailorMoon @moonkittynet @SMObss pic.twitter.com/PapsgGKK1X
— Isaac Stanowich (@BiggestBoyBarb) October 26, 2015